Camp Shane Texas – CLOSED

Camp Shane Texas – CLOSED

Kids Weight Loss Camp

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All Camp Shane locations are closed. Since 1968, Camp Shane has been the nation’s leading chain of weight loss camps for kids. Read more about What Happened to Camp Shane.

About Camp Shane Texas

Camp Shane, Texas is an all-inclusive fitness camp for kids and teens near San Antonio. This beautiful outdoor setting features a chicken coop, orchard, classroom, nature trails, and garden. The indoor facilities include a new swimming pool, two gymnasiums, modern dormitories, three computer labs, and a black box theater, all with air conditioning. The fitness center has a weight room that is state of the art as well as a room reserved for cheerleading and dance. There are also outdoor sports facilities such as baseball, softball, soccer, and football fields; basketball, tennis, tetherball, and volleyball courts; and an eight-lane track.

The sessions Camp Shane, Texas offers are two weeks long, and campers can sign up for more than one (there are three in total). Like other Camp Shane locations, the goal at the Texas campus is to provide participants with a fun, all-inclusive summer camp experience while helping them lose weight. The program includes pool activities, sports and fitness training, crafts, and special events such as talent contests, carnivals, and more. Each day starts at 7:00 a.m. and ends at 10:00 p.m. with three meals a day and one snack. Camp Shane, Texas is currently closed but plans to reopen.

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Campers stay in the modern, recently updated residence halls of TMI Episcopal. Each suite is made up of two bedrooms connected by a bathroom in the middle. These one-story dormitories feature polished concrete floors, granite bathroom countertops with double sinks, custom furniture (including built-in desks), washers and dryers, internet access, and common rooms with TVs, tables, and couches. The game room has a pool table, foosball, and air hockey.


Camp Shane, Texas packs each day with a variety of fitness activities starting with half an hour of stretching in the morning after breakfast. This is followed by an hour of cardio training. Afterwards, campers play a variety of sports in hour-long blocks until lunch, a total of three hours (with one snack break in between). Sports participation is mandatory regardless of individual skill level, but everyone is encouraged to play and to not be overly concerned with personal performance.

After lunch, campers have an hour to rest and an hour of class before their last mandatory fitness activity: swimming. This might include water aerobics, water polo, and other games. The evening activity and free play time may include fitness-based elements but are optional. Overall, the fitness activities at Camp Shane, Texas are designed to get campers moving in a fun and encouraging atmosphere. They are led by university students majoring in nutrition and dietetics with a special interest in sports and fitness. Their goal is to get campers to enjoy exercise.


Camp Shane, Texas provides three square meals a day and one snack prepared by SAGE Dining Services, which caters to private schools. All meals are prepared on site, and each menu item is healthy, nutritious, and Camp Shane-approved—which means lean protein, plenty of vegetables, and whole grains. Campers eat meals together in the TMI Episcopal dining hall.

There is also one hour of nutritional education in the afternoon. This class teaches students healthy recipes, portion control, and what foods make up a nutritious meal with an emphasis on teaching campers concrete skills that will serve them in a practical way throughout their lives.


Camp Shane, Texas has tons of special activities to offer that change depending on the day or session. These include things like paintball, theatrical performances, talent contests, and game nights, and the counselors promise a creative selection of other ideas of their own invention.

Each day, there is an hour for arts and crafts. Camp Shane, Texas has a huge inventory of supplies for crafts of the traditional camp variety—making lanyards, candles, and tie-dye t-shirts—as well as for drawing, painting, etc.

Camp Shane’s Texas location features a black box theater, and campers are encouraged to make use of it during the evening activity, which might involve improv or skits. Sometimes, there is even a full-scale production to be performed at the end of the session.


Camp Shane, Texas is located on 83 acres of “hill country” at the Episcopal School of Texas in San Antonio. It is housed in private boarding school facilities, which are not in use by students during the summer. The campus is just off of Route 10, only 20 miles from San Antonio (and about as many minutes from the airport). It is in Texas hill country with plenty of parks and walking and hiking trails nearby.


Each session is all-inclusive and two weeks long. Individual sessions cost $3,210. Campers receive a discount when they attend more than one session. That is, two sessions saves campers $390, and attending all three sessions saves campers $1,270. Weekly extensions cost $1,605 per week.

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Camp Shane, Texas is perfect for kids and teens who need a safe environment to encourage them to have fun and get fit. Those looking for a tougher, more boot-camp approach should look elsewhere.

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